Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

I'm impressed too @Adge   Take care Smiley Happy

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Today I -

- Flipped the Queen sized mattress over.

Supposed to be turned over every 6 months - no I cannot do that without help (there is no one to help).

I am very slight of build, bodily weak at the moment.

It's definitely a 2 person job - there is only one of me  (no one to help me).

It's huge & heavy - it fell on top of me, & almost smashed the bedroom light off the ceiling.

But I got it done...

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

- Washed the huge Mattress Topper that's on top of the Queen sized Mattress.

It's very big & 5 cm thick.

- Stuffed it into the washing machine - it barely fits  (probably not meant to fit).

It had to be washed somehow.

- Got it hung out to dry.

Then back on the bed, about a day later.

- Washed blankets & sheets also.


Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Adge @Teej @eth @WIP @Shaz51  and everyone passing. I liked this, you might too.


Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Morning @Maggie 

I like reminder #5 - Do your best!

That's all we can really aim to do each day, is our best and it'll be enough, because we tried - no matter what we did or didn't accomplish.


I hope you all enjoy your day @Adge @Teej @eth @Shaz51  and @Maggie 

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

That's really awesome @Maggie . It was a lovely and timely reinforcement of what I'm currently trying to achieve.

I'm in the process of trying to learn how to be better at 'getting stuff done'. 
My ADD brain has taken me on lots of learning paths of late. I found a very bright and bubbly YouTube channel called 'How to ADHD'. It's really challenged me and bought acceptance for me. The title of this thread sums up my challenges of daily existence in lots of ways. In the last few months I've been getting better at checking in with myself but there's a long way to go. 

For me in the past my days could go something like this

Feel ok ➡️ want to achieve something ➡️ get caught up with prioritising what to achieve ➡️ Huge overwhelm and hopeless feelings develop at not being able to prioritise or start ➡️ SI. 

I'm just learning about this and many of those videos and research has helped me understand my challenges (which have roamed free for 50 yrs). 

So for me now I have a todo list app with many categories on it. It has chores and hobbies and health and lots of other things. Every day I re examine how I'm feeling and choose a couple of todo's that are important like take meds, have a shower, walk dog etc.


I then select a couple of others that I think I could do for that day ...or not if my mood is really low. I try to keep this as at a min so if I achieve more it's good but if not I don't feel as overwhelmed or as useless. 

Currently I'm also leaning how to prioritise better. My ADD brain has everything come in at the same priority. It's a work in progress to break this down into manageable parts. Slowly, very slowly I'm getting more done per day. 

I'm writing this just incase it helps anyone else who feels totally overwhelmed with achieving even the simple things in their life. 

I have a lifetime of things to catch up still so I'll be floating around this thread a bit again I think 😊


Hi @WIP , @Adge , @eth , @Shaz51 👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻👋🏻 And anyone else reading 👋🏻 



Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Good on you @Teej  sounds like you're making quite the effort to keep a little less pressure on yourself.  Lovely to see you xx

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Thanks @eth 

Lovely to see you too. 

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

@Teej  I think you are doing a great job. I can swing in many of the same ways you have mentioned. Enthusiastic one second, despair the next.


You sound like you are starting to understand ADD , I think that’s so helpful.

I’m reading a book about ‘ shame’ at the moment. It reminded me of your encouragement with Brene Brown. We are all complex beings, nothing really seems simple.


Its good to see you @Teej . 💙💙💙

Re: Daily goals, motivation and check in

Hi @Teej 


Thanks so much for sharing this. I can certainly relate to a lot of what you said about how your "past days" went.  The tips and tricks that you've shared are great.  I hope to get something out of them 😊