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Re: Ditching the Ciggers



Sounds great TAB, 

I just popped over to check up on you lol

How was / is your work stint going?

Hope you sleep well tonight 🙂

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Sorry I missed this somehow @Former-Member yeah re working with ah's lol re pic um yeah had a sickie yest, then told not to come in today, will see what is going on today. Not really bothered except for the money, if i had more i wouldnt have said yes to work offered

.. Day  14 today .. re cigs, well its everyday this year , so its easy to calculate lol

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Re: Ditching the Ciggers


 TWO WEEKS! @TAB that's great. Well done! They say it takes x3 weeks to break a habit... so, you're almost over the hardest weeks. Keep Going! And dontvworry about work, if ya not up to it ya not up to it. Just do the best you can & you're way ahead of so many who don't even get off the couch xox


Re: Ditching the Ciggers

thats so sweet of you @Former-Member .. my eyes got a bit watery after that. Big Thankyou to you 

..Id be happy on couch if could afford it lol 

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Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Hi @TAB how are you going? I’ve just finsishe my Frist 24 hours os smoking. Does it get easier?

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Well done @Former-Member 👍 I m cheating am on patches so will have to ditch them. Yes it will get easier thoughts cravings whatever get less after a couple days. If you can do 1 day you can do 2 then if you’ve done 2 why waste it, after 3, nicotine is out so its just being careful of triggers for a bit. As said am using patches. I was smoking a ridiculous amount before stopped. You can do it 😀
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Re: Ditching the Ciggers


patches are not cheating. I’ve gone cold turkey before but it messes with my moods, so I’ll be good now and go through the whole patch regime. The last time I did that, I stopped for 10 years (then things went a bit wonky).

Yay, first 24hrs are over!!!

We can do it 😁

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Well Done ! @Former-Member yeah I stopped for 13years but that was along time ago Too much at stake now re money and health to not stop. Well breathing seems easier already and wow does stuff smell lol, like cars in carparks, bitumen, fuel fumes, ok clothes etc lol, well and trees on walks smell good and saved heaps of money already

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Well done @TAB and @Former-Member!!  Must be really nice getting your sense of smell back @TAB.

I just enquired at the local womens centre and they have counselling to help give up smoking.  I think I'll give it a go.  I have a vape but am still having cigs a fair bit instead of using it.  I feel like I'm horribly addicted, physically and emotionally.  Just not strong enough to go cold turkey.

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

well its just bits and moments re smell, but have also changed drinks, stuff drank for years I find foul now. I am using patches, so thats not really cold turkey I guess. Also was on news apparently 60% of vaping liquids have nicotine, even when sold as not having it. I did quitline nearly 20 years ago it didnt work for me, when theyd ring, it wouold just remind me of failure Anyway its what ever works Sure you can do it Smiley Happy @eth