Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Hey @TAB  About vape liquid (known as juice) - in Australia it's not legal to sell it with nicotine in it, but it's still legal to buy it with nic from e.g. NZ.  I started with nicotine-free juice but found that vaping just made me want the real thing more.  One of my support workers also uses a vape.  She told me about how to get juice with nicotine in it.  So I imported some from NZ with 6mg of nic in it.  It's way more satisfying and when I use it I extend the time between cigs easily.  The vapour instead of smoke means it doesn't affect the lungs the same way.  Because I can't use other nicotine substitutes like patches, gum etc I think it's ok to get some nic in the vape - still the lesser of evils!  But even having the vape set up to be more satisfying, I don't have the discipline to use it more often.  I hope to work towards just using the vape and no cigs and then decrease the nic in the vape juice over time.  Maybe I'm deluding myself but that's my thinking at the moment.

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Sounds like a Plan @eth sorry Im really depressed atm so am feeling heavy, not ‘thinky’ lol .. um what I meant was that the liquid sold as non nicotine mostly has nicotine in it its been found. You can do it. .. in your own time.. 😸

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Sorry you're feeling down @TAB  You've got a lot of change going on at the moment.  Just want to reassure you that you've made amazing progress in at least one aspect of your life lately.  Hang in there buddy.  Talk if you want to.


Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Hey again @TAB  you might get a laugh out of this image of me :  When I do go out for a cig at night (I have to smoke in the vegie garden at the back of the house next door coz bro and sil are so sensitive to it and disapprove - they own both houses and I live in a cabin in their back yard)  no matter if the weather is as dry as a bone I have to take an umbrella and sit under it because fruit bats have discovered the paw paw and avo trees I sit near!!!  They really put the wind up me as they often fly quite close to me.  So I'm getting an adrenalin rush instead of winiding down to sleep!!!  Talk about desperate and dedicated!!


Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Well hopefully they don’t bite you @eth just read today that may not end well if happens

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

True that @TAB  even if they crap on you it can carry disease.  The umbrella seems to be working so far.  Really I should just tuck in and vape which I can do inside, but ........

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

.. you did it to yourself? @eth soz just was watching Radiohead 😎
Not applicable

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Hey @TAB @eth


how’re you going with the stop smoking or preps? There’s an app called ‘smoke free’ which I’m using, find it better than the ‘I can quit’ perhaps because it’s a novelty.


im on day 3 now and have problems keeping the patch on in the heat and stuff. So haven’t put one on yet, not sure if I should just ditch it. Managed 2 weeks cold turkey last time, then ddid something unhelpful and couldn’t see the sense of not smoking. 

Havent really had many cravings, I think smoking increases my anxiety (higher pulse, blood pressure, breathing) and I’m anxious enough without smokes.


anyway hope you’re both well.

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

hi @Former-Member@eth I looked for the app as saw it mentioned somewhere, but couldnt find it. yeah Ive been using patches, ended up getting the ones that are only supposed to be on PBS ie script and $6  but they seem to be noticeably worse than the full price ones? dont stick properly and had really bad urges on them, worse than ever, even tho havent smoked for 2 weeks. Sounds like youre doing really well @Former-Member Cat Happy

Re: Ditching the Ciggers

Good on you @TAB and @Former-Member - keep it up!