Re: First time

@Shine32 wrote:

I've changed psychiatrist and changed medication but haven't had any changes I actually feel so numb that I can't express myself or how I feel 

That's not a fun place to be in, @Shine32 ... 😞

I hope the new psychiatrist and the changed meds will work long is it since your psychiatrist changed the meds?

Re: First time

@NatureLover  & @Lostandalone 

im sorry to u both but I need a reply 


I feel like I'm getting worse I'm really out of it all the time & ive started a new job and need someone to talk too

i don't feel like myself at all in anyway 

I feel like I've lost my common sense 

I can't think straight at all 

I used to be the best in my industry of work and now I can barely get to work 

when I'm doing anything I feel like my brain is sleeping and I can't wake it up

im so scared because I know if I can't get better I'm going to lose the last little bit of my life that I have left 

Re: First time

Hi @Shine32 ...I hear your fear and desperation. I was wondering, how long has it been since your meds were increased? I'm wondering if they are yet to kick in fully...that could mean that some improvement would be on the way. 


As for working, I couldn't do it when I was that bad. 😞 I know that's not very encouraging for you 😞

Re: First time

That's a hard spot to be in @Shine32, feeling like you are getting worse and not feeling like yourself. I can hear work is important to you and your sense of purpose. I hope you can find the support you need to keep pushing on. We're here for you Smiley Happy

Re: First time

Thanks @Jupiter  

I don't feel like I'm supported I feel like I've lost everything and everyone in my life 

Re: First time

Hi Shine32,

Peregrinefalcon here, another one of the forum moderators.

It sounds like you are experiecing a really challenging time at the moment. It is great you are reaching out and seeking support from the forum 🙂


As the forums are not a crisis service and sometimes it can take a while for members to respond, I just want to make sure you know that if you require additional support, or are experiencing a crisis, to please phone a service such as Lifeline (13 11 14), Suicide Callback Service (1300 659 467), or 000 if it is an emergency.


Take care,






Re: First time

@Peregrinefalcon @Thank you for the message yes I'm aware there is people to call appreciate the message 

Re: First time

@Shine32 wrote:

Thanks @Jupiter  

I don't feel like I'm supported I feel like I've lost everything and everyone in my life 

I'm really sorry to hear. This happened to me, and I had to rebuild my life. All I can offer is a listening ear and some understanding of what you're going through. It was the worst time of my life so far. 



Re: First time

@Jupiter @Sometimes hearing about others experience makes me feel a little at ease 


knowing I'm not losing my mind 

Re: First time

@nature lover
Can I ask to hear more about what you experienced and how long it took you to get better