Re: Self-care - Why can it be so hard?



Self care can be hard because we are all so tired, tired of caring, tired of stress, tired of the slings and arrows that life is throwing at us. Stress is tiring and wears out our bodies.


To start your self care cycle, start small, but make it regular! We all need to do things we enjoy and that can 'renew our enthusiasm' for these stressors. An hour or two away from the stress or home scenario- spending time with a friend, going for a walk, sitting in th garden listening to my favourite music. Naps. I am a great advocate of naps and consider them my No 1 self care starter. Its OK to just do nothing, nothing at all, just sit and stare into space but better if its away from the stress environment. When I could  ot escape from the stressful home environement I found listening to podcasts or talk back radio helpful- hearing people talking about something othere than caring and mental health support to be a good refresher.


Eating and sleeping well must be at the top of everyones self-care list as without these our bodies are not being fuelled and rested for any kind functioning or recovery.


We are all different, so it's important to find the thing you like otherwise its just more work. When things were at their worst I had no energy or patience for learning something new or the concentration for the knitting and reading I usually enjoy. Apart from already mentioned I found any of these to be a good revivor/comforter: hot baths, music, dancing to that music, sitting in the sun at the local park, looking at trees and flowers, enjoying a coffee with a friend, phone calls (especially to old friends who had no idea of the dramas), colouring in, watching old Hollywood movies.


Whatever appeals to you, please go for it. If you can't do it for yourself, then do it for your significant others. Being your best self and caring for yourself enables you to provide for them.



Re: Self-care - Why can it be so hard?



Re: Self-care - Why can it be so hard?

Yes definitely @Former-Member Thanks for reminder.

I'm doing that right now - while dealing with the most stressful (difficult) Tradesman, I have ever dealt with.

I've already waited about 7 hours for him to come today (as promised) - maybe, just maybe he will still turn up (to finish job).


Re: Self-care - Why can it be so hard?

Quotes About Having Fun And Relaxing. QuotesGramRelaxation takes effort - it's Self-Care too...

Re: Self-care - Why can it be so hard?

Unreliable tradies = 😵😵😵 @Adge , making a courtesy phone call is not too difficult if there are delays.

Re: Self-care - Why can it be so hard?



Re: Self-care - Why can it be so hard?



Re: Self-care - Why can it be so hard?

Thank you @Former-Member 

So true but so Easy to forget...

Re: Self-care - Why can it be so hard?

Do something you love today.





Re: Self-care - Why can it be so hard?

Hello @Former-Member , @Determined@Adge@myheartache Heart