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Looking after ourselves

Re: Something that made me smile today or helped me to breathe a little easier for a bit.

Hi all;

I haven't slept very well the past few days so anxiety's raring its head. Woman Frustrated I took a prn anti anxiety pill last night before bed and slept like a baby with lovely dreams, and woke calmly smiling.

Doesn't get any better than that...woke up.jpg

Re: Something that made me smile today or helped me to breathe a little easier for a bit.

That’s awesome @Owlunar Heart

Heyyy @Hope4me hope you have more good nights sleep my friend xoxo

Hello @Teej , @outlander , @CheerBear 

Re: Something that made me smile today or helped me to breathe a little easier for a bit.

@Teej @Shaz51 @Hope4me @Owlunar @outlander 

This helped me to smile today.


Re: Something that made me smile today or helped me to breathe a little easier for a bit.

lol @Maggie

Re: Something that made me smile today or helped me to breathe a little easier for a bit.

Re: Something that made me smile today or helped me to breathe a little easier for a bit.

Aw thanks @Maggie 


That's awesome - thanks for sharing 


I wouldn't wear shoes like that myself - but a big WTG for people who are game to do so


Pigeons -- game - of course Smiley Happy



Re: Something that made me smile today or helped me to breathe a little easier for a bit.

how about these @Owlunar@Maggie@outlander 


chocolate shoeschocolate shoes


Re: Something that made me smile today or helped me to breathe a little easier for a bit.

@Shaz51 @Teej @Owlunar @outlander @Hope4me  And anyone passing. This made me smile. I know the pandemic is more than hard, so a asile for whatever,  is worth it.



Re: Something that made me smile today or helped me to breathe a little easier for a bit.

i like that one @Maggie

Re: Something that made me smile today or helped me to breathe a little easier for a bit.

Smiley Very Happy I love that picture @Maggie 

hello @outlander@Teej@Owlunar@Hope4me 

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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