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Looking after ourselves

Re: self care -- Food, Salt , Sugar , Water

Not admitting to anything more 😁😁😁😁

Re: self care -- Food, Salt , Sugar , Water

Were you able to limit your chocolate to a couple of pieces?

Re: self care -- Food, Salt , Sugar , Water

hello @Former-Member @Shaz51 @soul


love the fact that he bakes! i do very little baking.

you should see some of my efforts. last time i attempted to make a trifle. husband asked how i was getting on. I proudly pulled the dish out of the fridge only to display the jelly had been soaked up in the sponge. No jelly! husband thought hilarious. last attempt at trifle!

I had 1 chocolate last night - my treat

Re: self care -- Food, Salt , Sugar , Water


yes i was had one although probably has something to do with supply running out.

the test will be when husband buys more !!

keep posting Mr Darcy's cooking classes. If in the dessert area I might learn something. xx

Re: self care -- Food, Salt , Sugar , Water

@Former-Member - one chocolate is a bit ambiguous. Would that be one square, one bar or one block?



Re: self care -- Food, Salt , Sugar , Water

hello @soul

haha very clever

actually there isnt a whole block left! I ate so much the other night in one hit! I think that might have been day one of self care.

one lindt chocolate, those round ball things.

havent heard of any of your slip ups. does sound as though you have it all sorted already.

i love tzadziki dip with raw vegetables.

Re: self care -- Food, Salt , Sugar , Water


If you're going to have just one chocolate, quality is the way to go.

IMHO - one Lindt Ball beats a whole Cadbury block hands down.

Slip ups - I did have three pieces of Dominoes pizza the other night. It was a freebie from being an Optus customer. 

Re: self care -- Food, Salt , Sugar , Water

@Former-Member you are very disciplined stopping at one Lindt ball.

Mr Darcy does not bake, it was me being funny - a random example of what his cooking is like. I do love my man dearly but I cannot say the same for his cooking.

@soul I do not know what imho means can you enlighten - my niece cracked up as I thought lol was lots of love and I am not quite a senior citizen.

Re: self care -- Food, Salt , Sugar , Water


IMHO = In My Humble Opinion

Re: self care -- Food, Salt , Sugar , Water

hello @Former-Member @Shaz51 @soul


we had messenger chat when i was still working a few years ago- i constantly had to ask what all of the initials stood for. I had not heard of imho either.

limiting myself to one .....

part of this challenge

failed at beginning of this challenge

only 1 left which means had to think ahead for tonight

tomorrow will have withdrawal symptoms


dominoes pizza hmm calorie overload i would think. i am very fussy about italian food as is my favourite so i only enjoy authentic.

shaz is quiet.   are you ok Shaz?

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