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My granddaughters mental health

We live in WA and waiting lists are so long my poor daughter has tried every avenue to get help we are desperate because no one is able to help diagnose or prescribe medication for what we feel is ADHD but who knows! If they were in Eastern states she could get seen to but WA is really behind on all this, has anyone else been through this we are desperate as she always talks of killing herself!she is nearly 15 and has no friends we love her so much!! She’s a beautiful person very smart and so precious to us 😘


Re: My granddaughters mental health

Hey @IloveMYA ,


Thank you for sharing a little about your beautiful grand-daughter. 


There sure are services for young people which are over the phone or chat-based which may help with her mental health. Although they can't diagnose her or prescribe medication, she may find comfort in sharing what's happening for her with other young people.


ReachOut has an online forum similar to this. 

KidsHelpline is also a good start

KidsHelpline Webchat


ReachOut have a specialised 1:1 Parent/Carer coaching service which may be useful for you to get some advice on how to better support her.



With ADHD and medication, can you ask her GP for telehealth appointments to see a specialist? 

Re: My granddaughters mental health

Hi @IloveMYA 

I'm sorry that you are struggling so much with your grandaughter - It's hard to see somebody you love deeply struggling and talking of suicide. I advise you to take every mention of suicide seriously and to speak directly to her about this and where the feelings are coming from.

Is there a headspace where you live? You can make an emergency gp appointment for suicidality usually and with the GP make a care plan that day that could fast track her getting seen.