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Re: A new start (kind of)

Aloha @MDT @Meowmy @Molliex and everyone  🙂

I'm about for another hour, then hope to head to my farm.

Re: A new start (kind of)

aloha @Gazza75 How's it hanging?

Re: A new start (kind of)

hey @Molliex good to see you 🙂

Yeah not bad. Might head off to gym right now actually. Bit bored here at home.

Re: A new start (kind of)

Ham @MDT , going okay, looking forward to the weekend like most people 🙂

Re: A new start (kind of)

Gym sounds good @MDT  I'm working from home today due to the poor air quality, so unfortunately I missed out on the gym (my gym is at work). I could really go for a row and weights. Hi @Gazza75 and @Meowmy 

Re: A new start (kind of)

Yeah I needed to get back into gym. I don't want to go in the morning as I am starting to hate it on a Saturday morning. Variety is just as important as routine I thibk. @Molliex
Sorry you had to stay inside due to air quality my friend.

Re: A new start (kind of)

Same here hey @Gazza75

Beach was tempting yesterday but went against it. 40 plus degrees would be a no no. Not with sunlight and crowds lol.

Re: A new start (kind of)

@MDT hey Hamsolo, work is not too bad. Aching from a cold. One and half hour to finish. Take care.

Re: A new start (kind of)

@Gazza75 hey Gazza enjoy the long weekend down at your farm. Still at work here. Take care.

Re: A new start (kind of)

@Molliex hey sweetie.

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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