Re: A new start (kind of)

Hey @MDT   I'm doing mostly ok thanks.  Just haven't had a lot to say here lately.   Will write more on the A long rave thread and not hijack your thread here.

Re: A new start (kind of)

Good job @MDT . You're right, the first day is always the hardest.

I hope today is a good day!

Re: A new start (kind of)

I feel like i have a lot of discursive thought today.

For some reason. I keep trying to remind myself that things are not that bad. That it's okay. That I am getting things sorted out.

But it's not registering. Somehow it doesn't seem good enough.

I am at home now. Not in the mood to go anywhere plus it's too hot.

I mentioned lots of things about a friend who was assaulted as a kid. Then he has also broken up with his gf. That's had a bit of a ripple effect on the group.

Then there is the old story about my dad and what he is getting up to.

Then there is my sister who isn't well.

Then there is my mental health.

Then there is my career and money and moving out.

Then my relationship status..

There is just a lot on my plate. I find it hard to wind down.

Atm I can't wind down much. It's too hot to do anything. There isn't air con in our house except one room. And I hate sitting there with my family because we all have to do the same thing. Watching TV... And TV is crap these days.

Sorry I am just ranting. But I need to get it out if my system to process it.

@outlander @oceangirl @Shaz51 @Zoe7 @TAB @greenpea @BlueBay @Meowmy @Everan @Teej @Appleblossom @eudemonism @frog @eth @Gazza75 @Everan @Former-Member @Angels333 @Doglover @Sophia1 @saturnzoon @Faith-and-Hope @CheerBear @Former-Member @Molliex @Smc
@Ant7 @Adge @Former-Member @Owlunar @Queenie @utopia

Re: A new start (kind of)

Sending warm wishes @MDT xx


Re: A new start (kind of)

Haha good pun @eth

But thanks 🙂

Re: A new start (kind of)

@MDT hey hamsolo, I moved to a flat during Xmas break. Your situation sounds hard for a sensitive soul. May be try not to think too much cos that won't change the situation. Try to just look after yourself, do things that give you pleasures.Take Carr.

Re: A new start (kind of)

Well said @Meowmy
Thank you my friend

Re: A new start (kind of)

Hi @MDT 


You do have a lot on your mind and maybe you are right that it isn't all that bad - just that right now you are not in a situation I would appreciate and I understand that


There are few things I would hate more in the place where I was living than the only room with A/C was full of the family all watching inane TV - that would make me really edgy and it is not a pleasant day at all


Your list is a good one - maybe it helped writing that - but if you think through it can you really help anyone with that today - or even in a week


Caring about so much for so many people is a very kind thing to do - but the weather is revolting today - hot and humid - better to get as far away from the TV as you can and try and cool off by putting a damp cloth around your neck and reading something to distract yourself


All the best Hamza  



Re: A new start (kind of)

Thanks @Owlunar

Mum and dad are home now. Just watching hogans heroes which I quite like. Dad is swimming outside.

It's not too bad atm. I might read my book soon idk. But my study is really warm. Just staying in air con now.

Re: A new start (kind of)

Hope the days been ok @MDT