Re: Life can be a Pain

All around the hills and mountain is orange and black smoke here @Owlunar I know you know the city well so you could imagine what that looks like. There is a major fire burning further up the valley - not sure how big it as at present but we are expecting large winds this afternoon so this doesn't look good - hope they can get it under control before the winds hit. If it is in the forestry are then it will be hard to control. Everything crossed here that everyone is okay.

I have to get the washing off the line soon - I only put it out this morning but it should dry pretty quickly in this heat. No air con on here yet but outside is certainly hot - supposed to reach the peak in the next hour and then slowly come down this afternoon and evening. 


Re: Life can be a Pain

Glad you still got yo your doctors @Owlunar

no rushing around isn’t good for your BP I know that. 

It is so hot. I’ve come home from wirk and feel lightheaded with a headache. I’m betting that my BP is up. I can just feel it. 

So many tourists here it’s ridiculous. No parking anywhere. Can’t evdn go to local supermarket because people park there all day for the beach. Ever single nature strip around the area have cars in then. In every street!!! 

So how can I go? I’d rather stay at home with air con on. And when they all leave hopefully another 2-3 weeks we all can have our beach back.

hope you’re having a quiet afternoon. Xx

Re: Life can be a Pain

I am glad that it did work out. @Owlunar HeartHeart

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi @BlueBay


It sounds as if the tourists really take over - this is a task for the local council to make certain rules about parking for a limited time in the supermarket and providing areas for people with a "local council" sticker so there a spaces for locals to go on with their lives for the summer weeks


And having them park on the nature strips - really bad - someone needs to get onto the local by-laws about parking on nature strips - it is so frustrating to have people take over like that - just because they can


Ah - I live near a bus-stop and people park their cars in our street all day - both sides - take up a lot of the road which means local traffic has to pull into a space near a drive to allow an on-coming car to get past - I think it's bad manners to do that - and I have noted these cars - same cars every day - and they take up parking for other people who have a right and need to park in the street. I have thought of doing something about it too because it's  really annoying but it doesn't bother me personally - 


But I understand - 


I live near the beach too and at the supermarket near the beach everyone pays for parking there - and the longer they park there the higher the charge


Yes - people have a right to the Bay but what about the locals - I can really hear you


Anyway - heat and blood pressure - you too - like me - have to take measures about the heat - I am really tired after the heat yesterday - I didn't go out all day - my domestic/shopping lady did my shopping for me and I was glad to stay inside - even so it got hot in the evening just before the change came through


For you at work - I think I saw something at my pharmacy - instant cold packs that you shake and activate crystals to make instant cold that you could have handy for those really bad moments when you feel the heat getting too much - as well as what you know already about drinking water - I hope the shop is air-conditioned - I have A/C and would be far too hot without it


Yesterday was the hottest day for 3 years - 


Feeling it all with you BB



Re: Life can be a Pain

I emailed the council about the illegal parking, the supermarket parking as well. 

It just makes angry because they think they tske priority and they are so rude. They have attitude. I’m not they all do but majority. We all just want our town back. 

I had my bp checked this mirning. It has dropped quite a lot which is prob while I’m lightheaded. Have to be careful when I stand up. 

Yeah you have to tske it easy when it’s hot. 

Hope you’re having a nice day. 

BB xxx

Re: Life can be a Pain

hi everyone -  my computer

died so i  am using the internet access through my tv and this  is harrd work and takes ages

but bbbi iam  okay though this is ffrustrating Dec


Re: Life can be a Pain

glad you're okay @Owlunar

it is very frustrating when computers don't work anymore.

take care, chat soon xxx

Re: Life can be a Pain

its  really hard using the app  in  my tv tto check  in  but I  am glad I

can        all the best everyone Dec


Re: Life can be a Pain

Hope you can get your computer fixed or replaced soon @Owlunar but it is good you can still check in Smiley Very Happy

Re: Life can be a Pain

hi everyone I      I  bought a    new computer  today and I  will pick it up tomorrow   I  miss every one and Iflattened the batteries  in my remote using my tv I