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Re: rough time

@outlanderI have taken my meds plus more tonight so should be able to sleep Heart


Re: rough time

I do hope you can i wish u didnt have to do that though @Former-Member
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Re: rough time

@outlanderso do I hun, but it is the only way I seem to be able to sleep. I try and not do it too often b/c I know the consequenes of it, but after last night, I need to have some sleep.

Don't worry, I will be fine.

How is your head and stomach going?

Re: rough time

I know youll be careful as you can @Former-Member ❤
I need some of those..
Stomach is abit easier- its just stress plus something else is due to arrive headaches still going strong though. As long as it doesnt cause a flare up! I couldn't handle that extra on top of this.

Re: rough time

So sorry to hear how your family have treated you @outlander. I can relate to that. We have preconceived ideas that family should be loving and supportive but it doesn’t always work out that way. Better to surround yourself with those that you can trust and have your back.

I see that you live with your your Pop now and that the others have moved out. I’m a bit out of touch. Has that improved things for you? How are other things going in your life? Please direct me to your threads if you don’t feel like giving me a run down here. 

Wishibg you a good week 💕

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Re: rough time

@outlanderhun, I need to log off now......I hope you can get some sleep tonight. I'm sorry I can't stick around to be with you, but I am sitting with you like always. Goodnight sweetie 

@soulhello and also goodbye at the same time Smiley Happy

Re: rough time

Here is fine @soul 💜

Well things are basically the same mh wise with this being day 10 with no sleep straight. Havent got that one worked out. I havent really been seeing a psychologist or psychiatrist or my gp as they really havent been helpful to me though ill be seeing my gp soon enough to discuss coming off the meds abit faster as i am way to overweight for my physical conditions and its the meds causing it.

Many injuries flared up but have eased for now.
Yep i live with pop and the others have moved out. I still baby sit alot of the time esp since ita school holidays atm. Im still a carer but i no longer have my second job as a farmhand. I was also told of a few physical conditions that i need to monitor and control as well. I was also told that it might not be a good idea to horse ride anymore after the spinal injury.

Umm i think thats all i can think of right now....

Re: rough time

No need to apologise @Former-Member glad your getting sleep ❤❤❤

Re: rough time

@outlander Hi outlander just checking up on you. Did you sleep at all last night?  How are you feeling this morning after yesterday.

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Re: rough time

Hi @Former-Member,

I hope you got some sleep last night. It can be so hard to deal with lack of sleep. 

Taking more meds in this case can sometimes be risky unless its something you have discussed and planned with your doctor. If this is the case, then that is great. We just want you to remain safe.

If you are still struggling with this, please do approach your doc and have a chat about things to combat it!