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Re: Hobbies And Interests:what are yours?

JT, brilliant on the Duran Duran!!

I remember sectretly purchasing the song, 'Girls on Film,' single and being thrilled the B side had a fab song on it too. I kept it secret from my friends....I was a mod so couldnt hide my Duran Duran obsession. 

Like reading to how your children think your studying to be a  serial killer .

Oh, thats right....whats colouring Mandelas?

Re: Hobbies And Interests:what are yours?

“See a pin and pick it up, and, all day long, you'll have a pin."

Terry Pratchett, Going Postal

Re: Hobbies And Interests:what are yours?

Mandalas have their origins as Buddhist symbols relating to spirituality and the universe etc.  They're a little more generic these days and they are all sorts of pictures some more intricate than others.  I have stacks of them and depending on my mood I select the one that appeals to me and colour.  Some nights I'll watch tv and just colour half a dozen of them,  

Re: Hobbies And Interests:what are yours?

I have just recently got back into gardening. Its been a few years since my hands were caressed by the soil but oh how loving. I feel it centers me as my mind and heart are on the same page. I know when one is sick it is hard to tend to ourselves let alone our hobbies.or a vase for flowers even. Hobbies no matter how small are good.

Re: Hobbies And Interests:what are yours?

omg @peace It's so great to see your still's been warm in PErth hey? 

My support person has been asking me to take Arlo to the beach and sit and look at the waves for self care.......

Re: Hobbies And Interests:what are yours?

Ha! My kind of discussion, thanks @Denv12@PeppiPatty Yeah I was a mod with duranx2 tendencies too... And that morphed into goth... I've always found the goth subculture to be particularly accepting and tolerant. For many years in a now over marriage and as an unsupported parent of 3 high needs kids, I dropped out, but never gave up my music or clothes.... And I now use my respite time to go dancing at goth clubs, where there is noticeably no ageism - if you like the music and you're accepting of others, you're accepted...

I love trad goth, post-punk, Seattle grunge, Manchester new romantic... I'm saving up for a drum kit for youngest kid; I think bashing her frustrations out on drums will be the antidote to her current anomie. And the car can live on the driveway; garages are for band practice! I LOVE dancing to loud music, and am setting up a home disco kitchen/living room. I've decided to go back to study, despite an academic past career; I always wanted to study sound engineering- so dream is about to be realised! 

I am obsessed with my German breed dogs, my gorgeous backyard hens, and I have a python as a (secret) therapy pet. She often accompanies me when I am particularly anxious about something, or having a shaky day.

I love gardening. And I like to dress up in vintage ball gowns when I'm pruning (channeling my inner Jane Austen, pretending to swan through a vast estate picking blooms...although I suspect miss Austen probably did not have a python weaving through her tresses, and enjoying the sunshine!)

Books. Books. Books. Reading literature, sociology, biographies, sci fi, fantasy-realism, dystopian future, steampunk, religion and philosophy... And cheesy Vampyre movies. And yeah, colouring: my inner OCD is actually kept under control via "mindful' colouring, and Derwent pencils!


oh my Gaia! Anyone who actually knows me, will now know (if they didn't already) who I am, I've given the anonymity game away! 

Re: Hobbies And Interests:what are yours?

Im just imagining you doing the weedling earing a post punk dress and your python weaving around your tummy.........


Thats so very cool!!

You find goth tolerant? Are you the dudes who wear bringht pink hair eat vegan and talk philosophy or is that just red Dwarf? 

I just finished the 'Girl on the Train,' today? What was the book @Appleblossom recommended and @Mazarita recommended? I sort of recommend the 'Girl on the TRain,' it's a little addictive yeah, it's a good portrayl of drinking alcohol but I'm so against the police the days and I shouldn't be because they are just humans too. 

@GothMum writes;

I love trad goth, post-punk, Seattle grunge, Manchester new romantic... I'm saving up for a drum kit for youngest kid; I think bashing her frustrations out on drums will be the antidote to her current anomie.


My youngest is at home, he is 21 years old. I am so so proud of him that he is going to Head Space. I couldnt control anything around the sexual abuse, I feel like I did as much as I could for my two sons not to be overtaken by my pathologies but.....stuff I dont know about snuck into both of their lives.  On TV tonight, an 18 year old was prosecuted in court and his Mum started bashing the journalists outside the court........I think, @GothMum might do you show a good role model? 

I wonder @GothMum....are you spoiling your youngest ?? 🐵 :0) I certainly am ......

Re: Hobbies And Interests:what are yours?

I think this is a great thread.

My hobbies reading sifi making soaps and candles and riding my honda.

Will soon be moving to a small country town and trying to start anew,and then hope to get back to making wooden toys, and growing vegies and some chickens for eggs only as they will become pets. 

I have had chickens b4 and they are great listeners.


Re: Hobbies And Interests:what are yours?

yes tyouou are right @ Scorpion it is a great thread .
what woodwn toys have you made ?

Re: Hobbies And Interests:what are yours?

Hey there, been ages since I've posted! I no longer work and therefore devote much of my day to my hobbies . I am fortunate in living in a rural town and belong to a lovely group that meets weekly at our local boutique library where we knit and crochet for ourselves and charitable groups. We support the library by drinking copious amounts of coffee etc.One of our wonderful librarians is our cordinator. I am currently knitting a beanie for my brother who I will visit next month.

My other group is the embroiderers guild, which is also a weekly meeting. I am beading an icon, and constructing a chalice veil with gold work and crewel work, on a seperate piece. There are any number of WIP or UFOs.

Another socialising hobby is playing cards and mah Jong with several ladies. 

There is a huge emphasis on socialising for me as I live alone and get terribly isolated if I don't make an effort.

My other hobbies include reading, colouring in and spending time playing video games. I am trying to restrict the games as it is not a productive use of time although I love them when not frustrated to the point of tears.

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