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Re: Falling

Hey @outlander  am I allowed to ask what you are studying? Hope it's going well💖

Senior Contributor

Re: Falling

Hey there @Former-Member I am sorry about the experience of flashbacks, they can feel very visceral at times. But what an incredibly powerful person you are to work through them and also to reach out here and look after yourself by connecting with the forum crew. I am super glad the community is here to help, you're never alone and we're always here to listen.

Hey @Eden1919 and @Snowie thanks for being such wonderful supports Heart

Re: Falling

Sorry @Former-Member 

Just had to make dinner and wash up.


Your diamond painting sounds like a good idea. Hoping that works well.

When I need a distraction I normally try a few things. Either watching some specific tv shows, doing some mindfulness, progressive muscle relaxation and a few others.

It really depends on the flashback and how early I can catch it.

Re: Falling

hey @Former-Member 
flashbacks are really tough aren't they, I like  @Snowie  suggestion of distractions.

does anything normally help when they pop up?


Got a coping strategy that you find good? Share it here 🙂  this thread might help you abit, @Eden1919  this thread might help you as well with some ways to cope and you guys are most welcome to add your own in as well. 


@Former-Member  im studying 'understanding dementia' atm before the second course starts, im hoping to get into my course i really wanted to do towards the end of the year when they take applications again. its going ok, ive gotten through 2 quizzes and 4 topics today (3 hours worth) but im starting to tire to much and making to many mistakes so have put it aside for now. plenty of time to do it tomorrow. 

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Re: Falling

That's all good @Snowie , gotta look after those munchkins first. I miss my kids needing me in the way they did when they where little. I broke my self isolation and went for a long walk it was nice to be outside again. Now am completely exhausted. 

@outlander I was meant to start that very course in January but had too much happening at the time. It's good to know when enough is enough for the day. Sounds like you got through a lot today. Thanks for that thread tip, unfortunately if I don't catch the flashbacks quickly nothing really helps, but my diamond painting really helps afterwards so I am not dwelling on what I just went through. 

I am going to have an early night thanks to my walk I may just sleep soundly for a change. I hope you both have a good night and get some rest. Thank you for listening this afternoon. Sending you both hugs💖


@nashy  this community has been an enormous support and comfort for me and has truly help on my most hideous days. 

Good night @outlander @Eden1919 @Snowie @Former-Member 💖

Re: Falling

goodnight @Former-Member
an early night sounds like a good idea Heart

Re: Falling

Goodnight @Former-Member 

I hope you get some sleep tonight.

Will check in on you tomorrow

Love and hugs ❤💓💖

Re: Falling

I am not feeling good. 

Re: Falling

Hey @Eden1919 
I've not been around the forums much over the last couple of weeks so I'm not sure what's going on for you. You say that you're not feeling good. Do you want to tell us more about what's going on for you or would you prefer to talk to someone on the phone?

Re: Falling

@Eucalypt  I am just really scared and agitated and everything is still really intense and my head is all jumbled and I am still scared that people aren’t really people and that they are putting stuff in my food to control my mind and that the “people” at the hospital put something inside me to control me while I was passed out when I was there before and nothing feels real and I don’t know if anything is real and if they are just making me think I am still in the original world or if they moved me and I just can’t tell cause of the mind control and there was a demon thing with like spider eyes watching me last night and everything is just feeling really confusing and scary and I don’t even know what to think and I am just really stressed and I tried talking to a helpline before and it was ok but then my “family” was home and wouldn’t stop talking about stuff that is making me even more stressed out and now everything is just really hard again. 

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