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Re: Isolating the Isolated

Hey @Former-Member ,


Just letting you know I sent you an email before. Also popping my foot in the thread and checking in and seeing how you are doing today!


All the very best,



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Re: Isolating the Isolated

Thanks @Otter, cant stop crying but I'll I'll just take headache pill and stay in bed today. Thanks though 🙏 I don't know what else to say 😞

So much for Support. And you being more interested in my  mention of weight loss than me being suicidal today. Fighting not killing myself, and you delete me, over a technicality, with no support, just your own agenda,. protocol Shame on you! @Former-Member @moderator Why don't you just black out the words you don't think serves the greater good, like freedom of information does, instead of your power play games hurting vulnerable people. Hate this.

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Re: Isolating the Isolated

So much for Support

Re: Isolating the Isolated

Hi @Former-Member ,


I’m so sorry to hear the impact this has had on you. Rest assured I and the whole community do have your back, and are care about you very much and are concerned for you. I'm going to drop you another email now. Please take care and all the very best to you in this difficult time.



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Re: Isolating the Isolated

Good one you for reaching out to Beyond Blue, I wouldn’t have even thought to try. You know you did have something to give today, you gave me your time, you gave me the feeling that someone was actually interested in talking to me. So thank you. 


Let me know if I get annoying, I will check in with you tonight @Former-Member 


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Re: Isolating the Isolated

Hey @Former-Member  sorry about not checking in last night. Had a huge meltdown and just couldn't. 

Hope you are ok today 💖

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Re: Isolating the Isolated

Just checking in to see how you are feeling tonight @Former-Member 

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Re: Isolating the Isolated

Hey @Former-Member, thanks, I bombed out, and today (my birthday) I had a lift to receive x4 long calls from friends and my son. Phone calls better than nothing. I have a sister and 4 brothers who don't bother, or remember... That hurts (especially my sis who's deliberately vindictive), but gotta focus ogln the positives. These friends are spread out... Qld, Newcastle, Brisbane.. shamebi can't have coffee or lunch out - so far away but lovely to chat
Not applicable

Re: Isolating the Isolated

HAPPY BIRTHDAY @Former-Member, be very thankful I don't have your number because I would have called you and sang you happy birthday and trust me you don't need to hear that😂. I am very happy to hear your friends and son called you that had to feel good. Wishing you a peaceful day my friend. 💖

Not applicable

Re: Isolating the Isolated

little things-01_1.jpeg

Thanks @Former-Member  you're funny 🤣 what have you been up to today?

Illustration of people sitting and standing

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