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Re: Topic Tuesday // Exploring Loneliness // Tues 18 Sep, 7pm AEDT

People in offline world are very important re conversation is all about non verbal cues? @Former-Member

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exploring Loneliness // Tues 18 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Yes! But how? I am so unreliable due to physical or mental ill health that I might line something up but then be having a bad day.week whatever and end up reneging, people stop asking. When I do catch up with my former crew round some event that we all attend, everyone says "You look SO well" and "We must catch up". But we never do. I don;t KNOW how to reconnect - should I start volunteering sowmehere, but then know I might not be able to do my 'shift' or whatever. I don;t want to let people down.

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exploring Loneliness // Tues 18 Sep, 7pm AEDT

I would 100% agree that we need people in an offline world. Although, it should be recognised that for some people with SMI, connecting face-to-face may not be an option. It may be too daunting a task, and so the on-line world is incredibly necessary and helpful for providing connection

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exploring Loneliness // Tues 18 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Nice to see you here at Topic Tuesday @TAB 🙂  Not sure if we've ever crossed paths at one of them before.  Is this a topic close to your heart?

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exploring Loneliness // Tues 18 Sep, 7pm AEDT

I'm  trying to make a connection with community @Former-Member. I had a good friend I met here but she died nearly 2 years ago.  Now it's  trying  to find who are my people.  I don't think I trust my own instincts on this anymore. 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exploring Loneliness // Tues 18 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Hi @Former-Member yeah 1st time caller .. not long time listener um yeah and its very topical atm re subject

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exploring Loneliness // Tues 18 Sep, 7pm AEDT

Just got here!

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exploring Loneliness // Tues 18 Sep, 7pm AEDT

I have eventually thought too that if people didnt need me then I would just have to learn to live without them (even though they were around). I have spent most of my life alone. Raising children alone (while married). I have close friends who I can call on for help but I am not part of their life...not included in their family life.

I dont have any parents, nor do I have siblings that I want to have anything to do with. Family and inclusivity is a big thing to me but Im always kept an arms length away by my friends. I once included friends in my family functions but not now.


Re: Topic Tuesday // Exploring Loneliness // Tues 18 Sep, 7pm AEDT

@Jonty8 I think you've described the crux of how living with a mental health concern can isolate people.  It's hard to be out of step with people discussing work and family life.  But I wonder if the isolation comes at a cost? 

Re: Topic Tuesday // Exploring Loneliness // Tues 18 Sep, 7pm AEDT

@MoonGal Hi MoonGal I have looked at many places to volunteer and the majority have waiting lists!!! I would love to get back into the work force some how but at the moment with a mind like mine it is not possible .... but I haven't given up 🙂

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