New Contributor


My partner of 13 years passed away 3 years ago after her death I became a recluse and pushed everyone I’m all alone with no friends or anywhere to to go

Peer Support Worker

Re: Loneliness

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss @Doogs10 


It can be a natural response to push others away when going through such a terrible time. Have you reached out to any of your friends or loved ones from that time? 


I know it can be so hard to reach out so I'm glad that you've found this space and hope this can be a safe space for you to connect with others.

Senior Contributor

Re: Loneliness

Hi @Doogs10.  I know you say you pushed everyone away but have you tried reaching back out to some of them?  Surely some of them would understand the mental state you must have been in after losing your partner.  Hopefully at least one of them would be interested in reconnecting.

If not, you could look at volunteer opportunities, or social groups in your area.  Anything to just get out of the house and start to get back in and around people again.  I can identify with being a recluse so I know it's not easy to do, i'm currently trying to find something to do other than sit at home alone.  Even something for a couple of hours a week would be a great start.  I've asked about a few volunteer positions over the past couple of months to try and start small and maybe build some confidence from that.  I guess a lot will depend on where you live.  I know a lot of more rural areas don't have as much going on as we do here in the suburbs.  I did work for a local community centre for about 18 years until about 7 years ago and they usually run a wide variety of activities and groups.  Local libraries sometimes do as well.  Your local council would be a good place to ask if you think this may help.  Best of luck to you Doogs... loneliness is so mentally and physically draining.

Re: Loneliness

I am so sorry for your loss @Doogs10


Grief is such a strange and horrible thing, it treats no two people the same.


I think if you were wanting to, you should try reconnect with some people from your past. I'm sure most will think nothing of it and be happy to have a chat and catch up.


If the past is too painful you might feel ready to find some new connections and friendships?

Re: Loneliness

Reach out to those that were there. You pushed them away, that does not mean they wont understand. Many will know that you needed time. Time to try and learn to live without your normal... Give then the chance to see you r new normal.

Re: Loneliness

Hey there @Zeecrazygg , Welcome! Glad to have you with us.


When you feel up to it, feel free to introduce yourself at Re: Welcome! Introduce yourselfi here 🙂