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Casual Contributor

Looking to talk to people like me.

Good afternoon, I'm Vayle and I'm new to this site so please be kind. 

I'm a 28y/o (F) recently diagnosed with Borderline personality disorder. I also have ADHD, OCD, anxiety and depression so my head is always on fire. I've been struggling to find likeminded people who have the same issues or at least can understand what its like. So, I thought I'd try to reach out on here and hopefully meet some people who get it. If you'd like to talk, please reach out to me. I'm happy to talk about anything and everything, I just hope to hear from some of you soon. 


Re: Looking to talk to people like me.

Heya @Vayle welcome to the forums! Glad to have you with us 😊


You'll find plenty of folk who can relate to your experiences, I'm sure!! I am an ADHDer meself too, late diagnosis and everything. Such a wild realisation haha. 


You can come scope out the ADHD thread I kicked off a while back! We've also got a hang out space for newbies if you wanna join in the convo there. 


Hope you find what you're looking for here 💜

Re: Looking to talk to people like me.

Hi @Vayle I’m 29 with adhd too

Re: Looking to talk to people like me.

Hey @Jynx
Thank you for the welcome! I'll definitely have a look at your threads! Very keen to meet people dealing with the same issues!

Re: Looking to talk to people like me.

Hey @ArraDreaming,
When did you get diagnosed? I got mine back in 2022 and my gosh did it open my eyes. Been a heck of a ride so far ahah

Re: Looking to talk to people like me.

Hello @Vayle 


my Husband and my 4 stepchildren have ADHD / ASD 


Will tag @BPDSurvivor 


Re: Looking to talk to people like me.

I was in my teens, @Vayle
you ever been medicated?

Re: Looking to talk to people like me.

Hey @Shaz51


Wow 4 little ones with ADHD/ASD. I can imagine the chaos at home ahah. 

How long have you been diagnosed and what are you struggling with the most? 

And also, how are you in general? Are you okay? 💙

Re: Looking to talk to people like me.


I was diagnosed in my mid 20s.
Yeah I have tried several [edited by moderator]. I was on the highest legal dose as my adhd is quite severe and it helped for a little bit gave me really bad anxiety when it wore off. Been trialing a different one [edited by moderator] for the past 2 weeks and I've found that that helps me more. Still need a stronger dose but it helps and I don't get the anxiety. What about you?

Re: Looking to talk to people like me.

the children are all Adults now @Vayle 

and yes, it was crazy busy when they were younger and living at home 

Have you got any children?

I am a grandma of 2 now 

My husband has had lots a diagnosis throughout his life  

his children were diagnosed when they were young

what have I struggled with the most? --- is being a step-in front of my husband and the children 

Hello @ArraDreaming , @Jynx , @Glisten 

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