Re: Life can be a Pain

@Adge 🦜❤️

@tonys 😁


@Owlunar2 Yes half days because of my back (and leg pain). Had my GP appointment - not able to go back to work more than I am presently doing (4hrs/day) for the remainder of the year. I know I cannot physically do anymore than that (some days that is too much) but I do miss my kids ...and at this time of year it is doubly hard.


As expected, the department is waiting for the independent assessment to agree or not to the injections. I am not confident they will agree but I am going to need to find a way to pay for it myself because I can't keep going this way. I had the case manager with me today and it was good to have her there when my doctor said I was worse than last time she saw me.

Re: Life can be a Pain

Hey @Owlunar2 ..   Oh mate...   So I guess you have to recover  and re book the holiday.  Darn..


My holidays revolve around my stomach.  I was going to mention the Tasmanian scallops,  but that wouldn't be good form would it,    Oh,    ooops..   Well it'll give them a bit more time to fatten up.


I will be thinking about you on Thursday,  no B.S either..  When I read about your teeth,  I have to unpick my finger nails out of the couch afterwards.  You have had an absolute shocker mate. 

I used to see people engaged in, Do it yourself surgery,  when I lived on the street.  No mater how hard, I always looked my teeth.  I used to think if I ever lost a tooth,  so long as someone is'nt walking of with it in there knuckles,  I'm doing Ok.  And now all these years later,  I just grin,  and my T bone hides under the plate..


The Anthracene.  You make me wish I went to school..  I think I had a few periods,  just like the planet.

The Young.    I couldn't care less.      The   Middle . . .  I cared to much. . .  The  Old . . .  slipping back into the methane shrouded  apathetic ooze..       Honestly,  I know I shouldn't do it all the time.  but finding a funny side to things keeps me shiny side up. 

And,   I have a lot of faith in young kids.  They are so much smarter than I could ever hope to be,  and I just have to believe,  they will take us to the stars.


I'm saying a prayer for you on Thursday. Rare for me, I know,   but,   Thats how I know it'll work..             


 tonys mb1 





Re: Life can be a Pain

Hi there  @Owlunar2    Mate.  was thinking off you and hoping it all went well with the dentistry.


Sleep well mate.        💐😷                                                       tonys   mb1 

Re: Life can be a Pain

hello my mumma bear @Owlunar2 

thinking of you lots today , hope you are doing ok 



Re: Life can be a Pain

@Owlunar2 , missing you lots my mumma bear , hope you are ok xoxo

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Re: Life can be a Pain

I remember that @Shaz51 may I also have a coffee with a love heart on it? 

@Decadian @tonys @tonys @Zoe7 @Owlunar2 @Former-Member @TAB @Bill16  @Lila3 @Appleblossom 


@tonys : childhood. Lonely.


20s : popular with my friends and children.


30s no sense of self

40s happily married and managing

50s discovered gummies and oh so much happier……… 

50s NDIS yippee!! 

50s hoping to live in Tasmania……..


I remember when I first met @Former-Member  and thought she was very clever…..

and @TAB ……‘twas cheeky……and @Zoe7 ..I thought her fur babies were her children and pop…….that was my first memory of her …did she have children? No, she has fur-babies



Re: Life can be a Pain

LOL @PeppyPatti My fur babies may as well be children - they are very spoilt and my everything to me 🐶🐱💕

Re: Life can be a Pain

They have helped you navigate the pain of life haven't they ? 




Re: Life can be a Pain

Absolutely @PeppyPatti Been my lifeline more than once. I would not be here without them Hon.

Re: Life can be a Pain

My dog passed away last year but my budies kept me going 


WhenI get out of public housing Im getting a parrot too 


Today, Im not sewing for the first time in many weeks, Im going to only write on chapter two on a book Im studying and find a course on drawing on my iPad. 




