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Re: Taking the plunge

@outlander  I must have logged off before your message yesterday.


I’m guessing kids going back to school on Monday will be a relief @outlander . Maybe some time to look after you. I hope so.

I’m just the usual up and down, but getting through, like the rest of us.

I hope today is ok enough @outlander 💙💙💙💙 Leaving


@CheerBear @Faith-and-Hope @eth @Sans911 @TheVorticon  and anyone passing, coffee is ready when you wake up.

Re: Taking the plunge

Morning everyone 👋

How are you feeling about sisters going back to school @outlander? Have they been there part time? Mine return in a couple of weeks. They haven't been there at all for a while now and I think they're all looking forward to it a bit.

@Maggie how's your cuppa? It's raining lots here. I woke at 4 and 5 but stayed in bed and went back to sleep listening to the rain Great sound.

Re: Taking the plunge

@CheerBear  It’s an eerie foggy morning here. I actually like a fog ( weather wise) not brain stuff.


Its a long training day for you today?


Did you have any luck with hold patching? I will sand some back today 🤞🤞

Re: Taking the plunge

Hole patching @CheerBear 

Re: Taking the plunge

I like the fog too @Maggie. Where my people live it can be foggy the whole day sometimes. After a while that gets old but it's interesting. Sometimes the fog moves in after the sun and you can see it coming. It fascinates me. Lots of puddles here today. It's a nice rug up and stay inside day.

Yep. Long training day today and tomorrow before I start next week. After a day with challenges of its own yesterday (nothing major but some juggle and stretch with each kid) self doubt and 'too hard' crept in by the end of it. Normal probably but annoying. I have everything crossed the crew will be OK for the next run school days which I'll be working from before they start until well after they finish. At times it isn't the kind of job that can stop and see to them.

I had no luck with stones or paint at all so I didn't even try hole patching. I watched the video you sent and then some which was enjoyable. I have to get some better sandpaper as mine is the wrong size and it tears a lot.

How did your yesterday go?

Re: Taking the plunge

Ohhhhh puddles @CheerBear 👍👍👍👍👍 I hope you are warm enough, ugg, beanie weather. Warm throw rugs. 💜💜💜💜 ( not literally throw).. but then 🤔🤔🤔


I like to watch weather changes also . It’s a soul connection thing for me. Wordless beauty.


Sorry Yesterday turned out tricky. And the self doubt stuff. Maybe it’s more something experience will help with. As you have done getting this far. One step at a time, and backwards is ok too. Not that you are saying anything about backwards, but it’s what works for us, not others. That’s the tricky and twisted maybe. Tracks going uphill always go round, and you don’t get to see what’s behind the corners. Could be hidden treasures.


I painted a canvas yesterday. Top dotting on it today. They never end up how I expect, but ok enough.

Re: Taking the plunge

I had a giggle at throwing a throw haha @Maggie. It's nice working from home in that I get to rug up in a way I'd like and wear comfy clothes etc.

Similar here with the soul connection and the weather. There's something about it that does something to my insides.

Thank you for hearing the tricky and the self-doubt wonks. I'll be fine but getting to there is a wobbly (pretty much like the picture you put up the other day!). The crew meeting work people will help. The love-hate duo will want to behave well in front of them I think and being that I'll be in front of the camera in my little bedroom/office/classroom/lounge room - crew will also be on camera a lot.

I hope painting felt good yesterday. Top dotting is the funnest part I think. Looking forward to seeing it if you share.

I better go. My head is going times a million just thinking about what to organise and how so that I can start well today. Struggling to think beyond it. I'll leave a giant cup for you

Hope the day has some good in it ❤

Re: Taking the plunge

it is abit of relief @Maggie @CheerBear still abit concerned about going back full time though esp with winter now here as well. the kids are bored out of their minds though and need some support from the teachers when it comes to learning-as in they learn better face to face. and missing their friends etc as well

@CheerBear ours have been off for around 10 weeks or so (including the school holidays) now.
they have had 2 weeks (last week and this week) where they went one day per week each but now they are expected to go back full time as of next Monday.
they actually said to me the other day that they never thought there would be a day where they said they miss school and want to go back lol. my sister who has abit of a job (just a weekend thing for a few hours) but hasn't been working cause of the restrictions was starting to not like going that much and shes said I don't think ill complain about going back again. im guessing that's an indication they are ready to start back at school and weekend commitments 😏
are your kids not going back part time yet?

Re: Taking the plunge

Re: Taking the plunge

Hey all 👋

@outlander that's very cool about your sisters wanting to go back to school/work. Mine have said the same thing too. I hope some of this stuff sticks, even just for a little while. Mine haven't gone at all since a week before schools closed here. No part time happening where we are, just a full return by year level(ish). Definitely extra tricky with some long work days around homeschool days now.

@Maggie that made me laugh so much. It's definitely time for that now 😂

I've had a bonkers day and am pretty sure my brain is melting out of my ears as I type. I saw and felt the responsibility today while assessing risk (all MH and harm related risk). I am well supported and well trained now but the reality is that part is a big part if the role and a big responsibility. Tiny little inside voice asking myself what the heck I am doing taking this on, but I keep telling myself it's normal to worry and wonder, and that I am ready and have experience that will really help me here. I finished up work, walked out of my room, and was instantly hit with "what's for dinner Mum?". 😴:face_with_rolling_eyes:🤪 Totally heading for a long bath after everyone is fed and ready for bed 👍

Hope today has been OK or better for everyone ❤❤❤
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