Re: writing as a form of therapy

Sending you love and hugs @Snowie 

I cried while reading this. It's beautiful xxx ❤️

Re: writing as a form of therapy

Thanks @BlueBay Heart

Re: writing as a form of therapy

I feel right now I'm sad to see

that all my friends are hsppy and free

no kids at home 

just free to roam


I have no self love for me 

I wish it didn't have to be 

I'm a wife a mother 

I just can't be me 


And when I do take time out for me

I feel I could be free 

but then the guilt comes in 

and I'm stuck again in my den


For I want to hide away from life

i don't see what's the point 

in trying in seeing in feeling 

I wish I wasn't me 


my life has taken many turns 

not sure if it'll take me back 

the challenges the hardships 

the pain and sorrow 


all I know is that I'm sad 

I feel used abused and much much more 

no one understands me 


so I will take out of this life 

I don't know when 

it's hard to see a better way out 

so much happiness in others 


I feel I've been given a hard life to live 

from caring for others 

to being so dark in a home 

I'm tired I'm hurting 


but no one cares 😢😢 ..........

Re: writing as a form of therapy


The scariest thing I ever had to encouter

Wasn't a ghost

Or a big scary monster

It was the reflection 

I saw as I looked in the mirror 

The moment I had to face

All the dark parts

I tried hard to erase

Yet as l looked a bit more closely 

At the eyes staring back at me

I realised they were still there

Untouched and unfazed

Waiting for the day

To be let out of their cage.



Re: writing as a form of therapy

Wow @Snowie


Beautiful, 💕💕💕

Re: writing as a form of therapy

💜❄️💕 @Snowie  ..... that's a wow from me too !

Re: writing as a form of therapy

@Snowie ❤️❤️ Hugs

Re: writing as a form of therapy

A cry of pain

like an eagle’s scree

pierces my heart

but not

from my lips

may pass.


The rocky terrain

of emotional strain

lies before me,

shards of shale

tumbling loose

beneath my feet

with each hesitant step ... causing stumbles,



wounding .....



You are the lamp

that lights my way,

The Light

that strengthens me

from within.


Your Word

illuminates my mind

and guards me

against despair of soul, mindful

that courage

is born of woe

and sorrow.


The Way

continues to open

before me,

the path

will firm itself

beneath my feet.


Those I truly love,

and those

who truly love me,

will weather the wilderness by my side,

and together

we will outlast

this dark night.

Re: writing as a form of therapy

@Faith-and-Hope  I read this a few days ago. It helped. It might help you also.

” Life by the yard is hard, life by the inch is a cinch” not sure who wrote it.

Sending lots of caring thoughts. 💜💜💜

Re: writing as a form of therapy

Thank you @Maggie ..... I am trying to operate in baby steps to feel out the way ahead in small pieces, like a jigsaw puzzle ..... and reminders to keep doing that are very helpful.  Fighting off a sense of overwhelm is hard, but keeping my attention on the next step to take is what I need to do.