Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@MDT  Merry Ch to you too Hams Smiley Very Happy. Hope you are having a super pea day. Love peaxx

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

sounds pleasant @Judi9877  all okay here, slept most of day seems lol

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

All the Best for your Christmas & New Year @NatureLover 

I went to Community Christmas Lunch (my Council area) - For people with no Meal, or No-One to spend Christmas with.


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

think council does that here for old people but like a week ago then everyone leaves town @Adge  lol found 2 servos open today, didnt bother buying anything, wanted a newspaper silly me lol

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi @TAB Watcha Doing?

Anything exciting?

Wow, it's Hit 42C here already....


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Well I needed Petrol @TAB Tank was almost empty.

I was worried there wouldn't be a nearby Petrol Station Open.

Cost me $1.72 a Litre...

Otherwise might not have made it back from Community Christmas Lunch - Was a 64Km round trip (drive).

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

..waking up from nap lol ? @Adge  its actually quiete pleasant here 34deg says feels like 29 as only 13% humidity still , touch wood and sorry its so hot there. i need to decide which room (bed or lounge to put a/c in and get one, just have evap for rest of house lol

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

..far out um guess not much cheaper here if any, just doesnt register, I put $25 in instead of $20 every couple weeks, usually covers getting to and from yard for work then use work vehicle.

Well I hope drive and lunch was okay @Adge  how are you coping with lollypopping? are you coping ? is it worth it ?

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

hahaha pea @greenpea 🙂

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

afternoon @TAB
good to see you