Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Hi @The-red-centaur Hope you can find a place here among us all in the Christmas Loungeroom - would be lovely for you to join us Smiley Very Happy Are there any plans for where you live for christmas?

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Lol @Zoe7 well its a good idea anyway 😇

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

You can eat or drink whatever you like here @eth - that is the great thing about the cyber world lol

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I don't really know what's happening for Christmas where I live @Zoe7 I think they just put on a good meal.
I'm currently in hospital so I hope I'll be home by Christmas

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Its milk , spirits eggs @eth re eggnog 😀

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Yes @TAB  I like brandy in my eggnog.


@The-red-centaur  sending you wishes for a gentle healing time.

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I hope you will be home for christmas too @The-red-centaur It is nice to be somewhere where we feel comfortable at these times of year. You can always hang out with us here if you need the company. I am having luch at my sister's place but will be checking in on everyone when I can throughout the day so I will add you to my list of people to check in with Heart

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

There are things I miss too @Zoe7


Christmas Eve meant my mother and Gran would be in the kitchen all day preparing a mountain of food - we would all be together at home for Christmas dinner but spend Christmas tea-time with my mother's cousin and we would be starving by the time all the food arrived on the table but it was worth it


But on Christmas Eve the best thing was Dad taking us down to the ice-works to get ice for the ice-chest - and it was always hot - in my memory anyway - and we took turns to put pennies in the slot and this large piece of ice would come out of the top of the ice-works and trundle loudly down the chute and Dad would wrap it up in a hessian bag and carry it dripping back to the car. His shirt would be soaked through


It's amazing how clear that memory is in my mind - I can smell the eucalypts on the air - something omnipresent on hot days where many of us lived I guess - I felt as if that was the smell of Christmas - and I had forgotten - about a week before Dad would take us out to get a Christmas Tree out in the scrub somewhere - then there was the smell of the pine


I am sure many people are getting memories they had forgotten



Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@Zoe7 thanks 🙂

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Heading out shortly for a trip to bro's farm with him for the afternoon.

Thanks again for starting this thread @Zoe7.  Look forward to hearing some more christmas storied.