Re: Christmas Loungeroom

You can drink as much mulled wine as you like at a virtual party @eth


There are no consequences


I think I might start the day with Christmas Cake - with plenty of marzipan and royal icing and made with port - real port -


I can't possibly eat too much of that either



Re: Christmas Loungeroom

It is those kind of memories that make this time of year both full of joy and also sad when we no longer have those things in our lives @Owlunar. It is the anniversary of my Nan's death tomorrow but Toby's birthday the day after - so it is both a sad and happy time regardless of it being the christmas period. We all have our stories to tell about this time of year and it is great that we have a place to share them on here.😀

@eth enjoy the farm Hon - sounds like a nice way to spend the afternoon Heart

@The-red-centaur Lovely to have you here Smiley Happy

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Great idea @Zoe7

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Thanks @Zoe7


I understand your feelings about all sorts of things - loss included - around this time


Today is the anniversary of my son's adoption - it is not tearing me up today - perhaps I have shed enough tears for now but I remember going to the hospital to get him and he was two weeks old and beautiful - such a perfect little baby


And today as I wrote earlier - my Gran's birthday - I always gave her the same thing - a white lace hanky - we always need hankies and she always had white lace ones


I loved this eccentric old lady - she always wore the same kind of dresses and it drove my mother cranky. I took her into Melbourne when I was a teenager and I think it was the last time the old lady went shopping - mum told me I would learn and I probably did - I enjoyed watching Gran try on dress after dress in different shops until she was happy and she had three almost identical dresses - which is what she wanted


I am sure that being with my grandmother so often - as I was - gave me the courage to be honest and be happy with being who I am - people were served in shops back then and I learned a great deal that day - and not at all what my mother thought I would learn


I really loved that old lady



Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@Sans911 it all came about because of the last Topic Tuesday and a discussion I had with @Former-Member - so it is a team effort. Lovely to have you here with us too Heart

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

I hear you @Owlunar I had a very close relationship with my Nan too - she was my best friend. We had a special connection and I spent so much of my time with her and Pop. They also did so much for us kids - they were indeed wonderful people Heart

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@frog @Razzle I missed you two off the earlier list for this thread - I knew I would miss people Smiley Sad- hope you can join us here for some christmas or non-christmas chats - whatever is your preference at his time of year.

Hello also to @Artvandalay who has recently joined us here at the forum

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

Well said @Owlunar Heart

Soz.. had to edit. I was referring to what you said about being our authentic selves around family.

Smiley Happy

Re: Christmas Loungeroom

great thread @Zoe7

Its good reading all the christmas stories.

Being proactive like this seems to bring out the best, and not just the fear, complicatedness and sadness ... of the season.


Good to see you @The-red-centaur @Sans911 @eth @Owlunar

Being online here on the forum has really helped my last few christmases.

Smiley Happy

I will tag a few newer people. The aim of these threads is to be open for anyone who feels the need.

@Everan @AnxiousMe @christofff @Loumarie @Lise07 @Eden1919 @Peri @Blueflyer @Corny @Juno @Acon78 @Headcase @Former-Member @Lilyq @Starta

Smiley HappySmiley HappySmiley Happy


Re: Christmas Loungeroom

@Appleblossom thank you so much for tagging those people Smiley Very Happy