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Something’s not right

Re: Self Harm

Hi @Angels333 

I can relate.

I have little control over my SH and it seems to be out of control at the moment. I too feel ashamed by it and is something I am trying to work through with my supports.

Just wanted you to know that you are not alone and I understand.

Take care, I am happy to be a support on here for you Heart

Re: Self Harm

@Zoe7  you have no idea how some of your posts have gotten me through the day. 


I hope your kids were all good for you today xxx

Re: Self Harm

Thanks @Snowie we can struggle along together.   I actually had a good day today but I know tomorrow  will be difficult.   I have the morning free and alone unscheduled time is always a red flag for me.   I will try and get to the gym.   I could go window shopping...    


I really hope you have a good day Snowie,  it was lovely to meet you xxx


Love Angels333 

Re: Self Harm


Glad your day was better and you received some replies and supports about self harm.


You have no idea how long it took for me to get a sense of being heard on the forum, and even then it felt very partial.  I have raised the topic of self harm on the Sane forum, periodically over the years, and always various people needed to talk about it.  I doubt I am kidding myself about it. Life is complicated and when we come to post, there are so many angles we may choose to communicate. It has been a big issue in my family since 1982 and I have great weariness about it.  Back then there was little understanding, literature and no internet. So almost zilch discussion, apart from that one time with my brother, but unfortunately not one event. There is no one way to approach it, as many people have different personal experiences and a lot depends on context.  


Life is so busy with young kids, but its great you have some good supports in place.

Smiley Happy


Re: Self Harm

@Appleblossom I'm sorry to read that SH has been such a lonely journey for you.   I think mental illness  can be a very lonely thing.   Especially in the 80's.   My fist suicide attempt was in 1992 and even then it was hushed up and everyone was told I was hospitalized with a virus!  I never saw a Psychiatrist outside of the hospital, so I basically had 1 week of treatment then nothing, it was all pushed under the rug.


@Appleblossom , you and I we're survivors 💙💙💙


Love Angels333 

Re: Self Harm

@Angels333  Thak you


Re: Self Harm

@Angels333  Thank you


Re: Self Harm

@Appleblossom @Snowie @Zoe7 @Jhaneylena @Former-Member 


I've managed to get through today without SH.    I had a doctor's appointment that went well.   My daughter was home from school all day for a study day, she's in yr 11 so that helped as I only SH when I'm on my own.    I'm almost hanging out the thoughts have been so persistent.   I do think tomorrow won't be as easy.


 I hope you have all been well today keeping warm in this cold weather. 


Love Angels333 

Re: Self Harm

Congratulations you got through a day without any sh. Do you know how many hours minutes seconds are in one day. You have accomplished a milestone there in itself. One step at a time is all we can do.I have grown children also that can complicate things when we sh. Anyway it’s not about them. It’s about you and give yourself a big hug even if it is one small step. Like a baby we always stand back up. I have faith in you and believe in you. If you fall we are all here to help you get back up again. You are amazing.

Re: Self Harm

@Jhaneylena  thanks for your encouragement 💙💙💙  My kids are 19, 18 and 16.   They do keep me distracted and  safe at times.   Today was unexpected that my D1 was home, tomorrow I'm on my own again.    


How was your day today?   How old are your adult kids?


Love Angels333 

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